Silver Shine at the International Olive Oil Contest: Meet the Award-Winning Olive Oil by the Bonanno Brothers!

Azienda Agricola Bonanno sprouted its roots in 2019, and in just a swift four years, it’s carved out a prime spot in the Sicilian olive growing scene. Francesco, Giuseppe, and Claudio: three brothers with a legacy. They inherited land in Misilmeri, passed down through generations who lived and breathed the art of farming.

While each of them juggled various jobs to make ends meet, they were united by a shared dream—to craft a production hub that would shine a spotlight on their cherished homeland.

The story of the land dates back to the 1960s. The agricultural world, including its markets, has since evolved leaps and bounds. Adapting to the times, the Bonanno brothers birthed their farm, becoming one of Misilmeri’s elite few to earn the coveted IGP certification in just three years—a testament to their handcrafted, bottled magic.

In a blink, their olive-growing land expanded from a mere 2.96 acres to an impressive 7.41 acres. And while olives might not be their only game, the brothers are committed to giving these groves more room in their daily grind.

Their chosen olive variant? The ancient ‘Biancolilla‘, found solely in northwestern Sicily. The oil, crafted from this unique variety, boasts a delicate character—a match made in heaven for fish and shellfish. Its subtle taste only elevates the essence of dishes.

What was once seen as a vulnerability—the oil’s delicate flavor—has over time become its most prized asset, gaining numerous accolades from dedicated contests.

Among them, in 2022, Bonanno’s oil squared off against global heavyweights at the International Olive Oil Contest, proudly bringing home a silver medal.

But the awards aren’t the only stamps of approval. The entrepreneurial trio has built a robust local collaboration network and has set their sights on a broader, more organized global outreach.

Testimony to this? Bonanno’s exquisite olive oil has already wowed crowds overseas. In Los Angeles, this olive oil from Misilmeri graced the Nexxt Expo, a grand celebration of Italian excellence. Their products took center stage at the Sicily Show, an event organized by IoComproSiciliano.

Thanks to their openness for collaboration, team spirit, and an annual production averaging a whopping 9,920 lbs. of olive oilall managed within the family—this Sicilian gem is swiftly capturing market slices.

The American marketplace has an insatiable appetite for Italian premium specialties, and rest assured, Bonanno’s olive oil is geared up to satiate it.