The Blonde and the Red in California, the American dream of Birrificio Semedorato

Semedorato stands out as the only premium pure malt Sicilian beer and is the best-selling brand on the island. This Made-in-Sicily gem, in just 8 short years, has won the market with the unmatched quality of its ingredients and remarkable production capability.

Birrificio Semedorato was inaugurated on August 8, 2014. However, the roots of this commendable beverage venture reach back a bit further. The company behind it originated in 2010, already boasting a seed company that engaged in the cultivation, production, and storage of wheat and barley.  The establishment of the brewery effectively completed a zero-mile supply chain, positioning Semedorato as the only brewery in Europe to manage the entire production process onsite.

Four visionary founders stand behind this towering Sicilian enterprise: Franco Indorato, Carmelo Indorato, Toni Scalia, and Calogero Fonti.

From the get-go, the venture’s market growth was astonishingly swift: skyrocketing from an initial production capacity of roughly 10,600 gallons in its inaugural year to an estimated 22,000 gallons in 2023. This impressive growth trend boasts an annual increase ranging between 20% and 30%.

Today, their product range boasts four delectable offerings:

The Semedorato Premium: a golden 5% ABV lager, distributed throughout Sicily, Italy and Europe. Crafted exclusively with water, barley malt, and hops, it clinched the top spot at the Cerevisia contest.

The Semerossa Doppio Malto: a 7% ABV red, honored as the best Italian Dortmunder-style beer at the London Beer Award.

Himera, a 6% ABV craft beer, neither filtered nor pasteurized, which also bagged the First Place award in London in 2017.

Lastly, the newcomer, Semedorato Summa, a low-alcohol beer at 4.7% ABV, which is quickly becoming a favorite in major distribution outlets.

Undoubtedly, Semedorato’s true success recipe lies in the unparalleled expertise and passion of its workforce. Approximately 30 people work within the establishment, all having had the privilege of learning from and working alongside Amelio Giust, a master brewer with over four decades of experience

With its unwavering commitment to quality, the company has secured the UNI EN ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 22000 certifications.

The company closed 2022 with an impressive revenue of 4.8 million euros ($5.53 million).

In addition to its thorough national distribution, Semedorato has its sights on several international markets including France, the Netherlands, England, Costa Rica, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Panama, the Caribbean Islands, Canada, and the United States.

Both Semedorato blonde lager and Semerossa red double malt will feature at the Nexxt Expo in Los Angeles, from October 19 to 22. They can be spotted at the Sicily Show organized by IoComproSiciliano.

The Sicilian brewery previously exported to California between 2018 and 2020 with resounding success. Given the high concentration of Italians in the U.S. Southwest, the company anticipates stellar results and the opening of a fresh distribution channel.

In line with this vision, future plans include introducing a canning machine — a significant investment for kickstarting can distribution tailored for the American market.